Financial Stewardship in 2024

“As the calendar flips to a new year, the desire for a fresh start echoes within us all.

After a month of disruptions, from irregular sleep patterns to indulgent spending, the longing for routine and a renewed perspective is palpable,” writes Dawn Carroll. For many, the best place to start is with a financial wellness check, or in some cases a complete financial overhaul. Ms. Carroll continues with a list of practical advice for financial stewardship in the New Year.

Hopefully these tips and tricks will be helpful to you and your family in the year ahead.

In closing she reminds us all that, “as you navigate the financial terrain of the new year, remember that setbacks happen, …each one is an opportunity to learn and adjust. Ground your financial decisions in the principles of spiritual stewardship, acknowledging that all you have is a gift from God.

May this new year bring not just financial stability but also a deepened understanding of responsible stewardship in alignment with your faith.”