
How are Americans spending their money?

“A new analysis of consumer spending revealed that Americans spend an average of $77,280 annually, with nearly half of expenditures earmarked for housing and transportation. On an annual basis, Americans spend roughly $25,000 a year on housing, $13,000 on transportation, $6,000 on food at home, another $4,000 on food away from home, and around $3,500 […]

Have you skipped paying your bills?

“A new study by LendingTree found that more than a third of Americans have reduced their spending or skipped household necessities at least once in the past year to pay for utility bills. LendingTree cited the U.S. Census Bureau, reporting that electricity bills have increased by 2.6%, leaving 23.4% unable to pay part or all […]

Holiday overspending…

Experts say consumers are ‘wired’ to overspend during the holidays because of an innate tendency to overspend, and offer tips on how to keep to a holiday budget.” (See Tips) – Courtesy of FlyoverNC

Average Credit Card debt in North Carolina = $5,853.00!

North Carolinians have an average credit card debt of $5,853 and take about 18 months to pay it off, according to data from Bankrate. (See Map) – Courtesy of FlyoverNC

Feel like your Grocery Bill is out of control? Join the club!

“American households spend an average of $270.21 per week on groceries, with Hawaii residents paying the most at $334, according to U.S. Census Bureau data. Since August 2020, grocery prices have risen by 20%, the steepest inflation since the 1970s, with shipping costs being the primary driver. Farming and food production-based economies have kept grocery […]

‘Tis the Season

When it comes to holiday spending projections this year, Millennials are in the lead, with an estimated 63% planning to spend the same or more compared to last year, according to a recent survey. Their younger Gen Z counterparts, however, are showing more caution, with 71% cited as expressing concerns over inflation and its impact on […]

End of an Era?

“Tupperware Brands filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection late on Tuesday, succumbing to mounting losses amid poor demand for its once-iconic food storage containers. The company’s popularity exploded in the 1950s as women of the post-war generation held ‘Tupperware parties’ at their homes to sell food storage containers as they sought empowerment and independence. However, […]

Mamma Mia!

“Buca di Beppo, the popular Italian-American restaurant chain, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. This move comes on the heels of closing 13 underperforming locations across the United States.”

Nearly Two-thirds of Americans are Struggling Financially: Are you one of them?

According to a new poll, “a majority of middle-class Americans are experiencing financial hardship that they expect will continue for the rest of their lives. Findings published by the National True Cost of Living Coalition show that 65% of Americans whose incomes are 200% above the national poverty line – which is about $62,300 for […]

Never? It Happens All The Time!

Have you ever thought, “Oh, that will never happen to me…”? If we’re honest, we all have – and then inevitably, never happens. You lose that job that was so secure. You receive the diagnosis that you never thought you would receive – and all the bills that come with it. Someone you love dies […]