I would highly recommend the law firm of Felden and Felden P.A. to anyone needing a lawyer for bankruptcy proceedings. They have been most helpful in advising me regarding my options and answering all of my questions. They also answered the questions that my daughter-in-law had on my behalf! Megan Abercrombie, the legal assistant was of great assistance throughout the entire process. My phone calls were always returned in a timely manner. I am more than pleased with them representing me in this bankruptcy filing with the courts. Thank you.
Thanks again for all you’ve done for us. You gave us the break we needed.
We sure want to thank you for helping us during our time hard struggle. Without that help you both have given us I’m really not sure where we would be today. Thanks again.
I was drowning in debt and did not know what to do. My credit was in ruins as was my feeling of self-worth. I felt like a total failure. I called Felden & Felden for some guidance. They treated me with respect and understanding. They explained the procedure of bankruptcy and that it would give the chance to start over again.
It was the best thing I ever did for myself. It’s been a few weeks since filing and I have been able to get my life back together again. I’m working on bringing my credit score back up and will able to buy my first house within a few months from my discharge – and I will be the proud owner of my own home. Thank you for your help in restoring my life.
Just wanted to take a second to say Thank You to you, Chris, and Megan for all of your help getting our bankruptcy done. You all were very professional and made the process very easy. At all times you made us comfortable through the process and you were able to ease our stress levels by assuring us that everything would work out. We can’t thank you enough and we will be leaving positive reviews and feedback about your law firm. Thank you again!
For any of you Marines and Sailors out there in need of debt relief, Christian and Victoria Felden are the best attorneys in town. I was 21 and in over $30,000 dollars of unsecured debt. Christian put my mind at ease in the first 10 minutes of speaking to him. I soon filed Chapter 13 and began my affordable payment plan… 3 years later and I’m debt free and my Bankruptcy is now discharged. Talk about a weight off your back. I know how stressful it is, but It does get better and Victoria and Christian are just the people to make that happen. I can’t thank them enough!
Mr. Felden, you have made our success very easy for my family and I. We will be willing to refer all family, and friends to Felden & Felden Bankruptcy Law. It’s easy, not complicated, he’ll do all the work for you. Best of all you do not have to go into a court room. All I can say is I thank you Lord for you sending Felden and Felden in our lives right at the right time. Yes, it’s a big step to make, but it’s well worth it. If you ever need help with your life drowning in bills, trying to make ends and meet, I encourage you to stop drowning in bills, let Christian Felden help you get out of debt. Thank you Mr. Felden!
Wow! What can I say- Christian, Megan and Victoria are absolutely amazing. I have been around the block a time or two, and I have never been through a more professional process in my entire life. The communication, consultation and the personal attention are amazing.
Words can’t describe this attorney and staff. He took on my case and took my worries away. What I perceived to be difficult he explained as simple as 1,2,3. The entire staff is very pleasant and fully aware of where I am in my case. You never have to repeat anything. They are wonderful and I thank them for taking my case in such short notice. Very professional, accommodating, and provident. Thank you all.
What do you say when someone lifts a tremendous burden from your back? What do you say when someone uses their knowledge, expertise and understanding to help free your mind from constant worry and the could-haves, should haves and would haves? For your help with giving me a new lease on life, I would like to let everyone know that YOU and your whole crew are amazing!! Thank you!!
Thanks your quick instant response. I will definitely refer others to you guys in the future.
You have no idea the difference you have made in my life. Not just the assistance with my bankruptcy case, but also the Christian sentiments of concern. Please thank all your staff. You all have made a difference.
Good Morning well for the last 1 ½ years I’ve had life changing circumstances. I was doing research and needed a very dependable and on point bankruptcy attorney. Chris Felden along with his professional and very courteous Legal Assistant, Megan really gave me peace of mind, and reassurance of my bankruptcy situation. Their prompt and professional responses changed my whole life. Thank you so much Chris Felden and Associates, I would recommend them to anyone that falls in my situation.
Chris was amazing. He helped us with everything we needed. His assistant Megan was also amazing. She helped so much with all the questions I had. Chris is also very family oriented and did not mind that we had to bring our 7 month old in to our meetings. Thank y’all so much for the exceptional service y’all provided.
Thanks for your help in filing my Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. I was in dire need of some assistance with my finances and you were there to get me back on track. I appreciate the help in filing my claim as quickly as you did.
I am highly satisfied with amount of professionalism shown by this firm. Mr. Felden and his team have been very patient with me during this process. I can finally get back on track financially!
Thank the Good Lord and Felden and Felden.
Our experience with Mr. Felden and Megan have been so positive and helpful. They handle everything in a professional manner and we would highly recommend their services. Thank you for helping us get thru a very difficult time.
Chris made the process so simple and clear. It is a pleasure to deal with such a knowledge and prompt team. They have been a real blessing with their attention to detail and comforting counsel.
We wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year and thank you all for the ease of mind and all your patience displayed. We appreciate your dedication to our needs and we are so thankful for your gratitude. Be blessed!!
After making the call and receiving the book, I called Chris Felden and he spent about an hour on the phone explaining and answering my questions. Chris and Vicky helped us through the process and were there to lean on when I was falling apart. We are very impressed with the results and your support through the process. Thank you for your kindness and wisdom. I am so glad we came to you for help!
Makes sense – do one thing and do it well. I’ve been super impressed
with your team. Website, emails, the whole shebang! Kudos
I was number 38 at the 341 meeting before the trustee. Quickly, I realized that they call people up individually, but it is grouped by attorney. Mr. Felden was last that day. I was his 2nd to the last case. So basically, I got to see everyone. Out of all the other lawyers, at least one had some sort of issue with the trustee that required a longer than average meeting before the trustee attorney. Mr. Felden didn’t. That made me feel so good because it made me realize I had retained counsel that was prepared and had a great relationship with the trustee. None of Mr. Felden’ s clients, that day, had any significant delays. My 341 meeting was much quicker than I thought it would be. So thanks for the peace of mind that you guys have provided.
Thank you!! We are so relieved to finally put this chapter behind us. Thank you again for all your support and consultation, it meant the world to us.
I thank God that Chris and your staff worked with me to get my case filed and car returned. My son and I owe you and your firm the most huge gratitude and we will be forever grateful.
I would like to thank all of you at Felden & Felden for allowing me the opportunity to witness such sincerity, courteous and patience with me. Less than two weeks ago I felt my life crashing before my eyes and didn’t know what to do and whom to ask for guidance. I’ve prayed and another one of my prayers were answered and you guys appeared before me to let me know that my situation wasn’t the end and that you guys could make it better for me. Chris and Megan, I truly thank you from my heart for being there for me long hours on the weekend. It showed me your dedication to me as a client. May you all be blessed and keep doing what you do best.
I want to thank all of you for your help with the bankruptcy. This has already begun to help my wife and I to get everything under control financially and it has only been two months. Things were hard to adjust to but at the moment it is good and getting better. So from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!!
Thank you all very much for all of your help it’s been a rough time and I appreciate it very much. ~ Matt Nottingham
Your excellent service has been amazing. Thank you for listening to and answering all of our many questions. Thank you again for you and your teams efforts on assisting us. Outstanding service!
Just wanted to once again say thank you for all your help with everything…. I really do appreciate you answering all my questions and being so easy to get in touch with. These days it seems any type of a personal experience is impossible to find, but this has been rather wonderful.
It is my understanding our bankruptcy has been discharged. I just wanted to drop you a short note to say thank you for all your help. You are very professional and were on the money when I needed letters sent to creditors and other items. Again thank you for all your help over the last few years, it has been a pleasure working with you !!
Thanks for the email!! Often times people suffer from different situations on a daily basis. Not always knowing what to do or where to go can be a disaster. From day 1, Felden and Felden made it very simple for me. I could see the sincerity and experience from the beginning. Although I’m not their only client, I feel like I am based on the time they put into me in ensuring that everything is complete.
After taking the debt helper pre bankruptcy class, I realized that there were many things that I didn’t know regarding finances. The class helped me to understand how your finances could be a deal breaker in the long run. Without the class, I wouldn’t have learned these things on my own. That’s okay since sometimes we go through certain situations to build and shape us.
Thanks for everything and I will definitely provide referrals for those who need it. Thanks!!
Thank you and all of your team for everything you have done for me. I will gladly recommend you to family and friends. And again, thanks for all your help.
I would like to thank everybody for helping me through the bankruptcy process. It was a long and quite humbling period.
Wow!!! Thank you so very much!! This is great!!!!! Bankruptcy is such a stressful ordeal and it is such a weight off me to have this behind me. Thanks a million!!!
I appreciate all that you have done to help me in this. I will be let my friends and family know about y’all. Again thank y’all from the bottom of my heart.. Thank you..
I will continue to spread the word of y’all. If not for y’all I would still not be able to eat or pay a bill. Now I want for nothing, we have food, and bills are paid. I could not have done that without y’all. You are great!
Thank you and your family so much. I cannot express how much I appreciate all your help. This has been a smooth process.
Good morning, I want to thank you again for helping me through the bankruptcy Chapter 13 process that finally came to an end. You were there for me all the way. I got discharged back in October from the Trustee, and I am so happy to say that I was able to re-finance and closed already on my primary residence with a better interest rate, so thrilled to get away from the old lender. I also refinanced and closed my rental property. Everything went smoothly, and I didn’t even have to pay closing costs. You were always very supportive and were there to answer all my questions. Know that, if anyone needed references for a good Attorney, you will be top on my list. Sincerely,
Philomene Paquiot
My husband and I just wanted to express our gratitude to you guys for the support and help you have shown through this process. You guys are easy to understand and straight to the point. Although things aren’t perfect for us financially right now, we are very relieved and feel as if we are on the right path. Once again thank you for being personable and taking the time to help us. We wish you all happiness.
Phyllis and Jon LeRoy, NC
Oh awesome! Thank you! I am so happy I chose your office to take care of my bankruptcy and get the info so I could take Dave’s course! It really has helped us plan for our future for our kiddos with a clearer picture 🙂 you and chris are so great, and the little time I worked with Megan she was super helpful, too! I hope you have a great night! Thank you again for always getting back to me so quickly 🙂
Absolutely love this team. Filing bankruptcy is like pushing a panic button. I am so happy we decided to use Chris Felden. He eliminated stress and has initiated us on a path of recovery and happiness. His team is very personable and provides great communication. In the end we can continue life with no regrets knowing we made a good decision. Thank you!
Thank you for the swift response, I appreciate your office and Chris Felden helping me file this bankruptcy so quickly. After the amazing Debt Relief Course we have cut up all of our credit cards so we can actually start to save. You are wonderful! Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. Seriously! l hope you and your family have a wonderful weekend! Thank you so much!!
Thank you Victoria! Do you ever sleep? 🙂
I am quite happy to provide a testimonial on your behalf. For you, (and Megan), took a most difficult & ambiguous bankruptcy… and made all aspects of the bankruptcy easy to understand. I cannot thank you both enough for your timely assistance, & expert professional advice. There is no way I could have assembled all the information I had without your company. And I cannot thank you enough.
I do know someone who will require your services & I will reach out to her family in the coming days.
I just wanted to thank everyone there for helping me get through this process of bankruptcy. My 341 meeting was very short but I was nervous. It went well. Thanks again for all your help. I can finally relax, make the payments and move on with life. Have a pleasant day.
Thank you so much. You’re a miracle worker. After losing my job and accumulating debt I was sinking into a financial hole. Finally after learning about bankruptcy and talking with Mr. Felden I knew that financial stability was in my future.
Maybe tonight I can get some sleep. Thank you. Chris, Vicky, and Megan are true life savers in many ways.
Wanted to thank you Mr. Felden for your time yesterday and thanks for all your help getting my paperwork done. Thank you to Megan for all your help in this matter too. Without the both of you this would not have happened so smoothly. You firm has done a great job with my bankruptcy and getting it done.
“Thank You” doesn’t begin to describe the overwhelming relief we feel knowing we are able to answer the phone and leave our house. Circumstances put us in a situation we couldn’t deal with and everyone at Felden & Felden was kind, courteous, and knowledgeable. Questions were answered within minutes, not hours or days. Awesome team!
Thank you for everything I will recommend you to family and friends here in NC, y’all have helped me a lot.
“When my family began facing unexpected financial difficulties, we didn’t know where to turn. Fortunately, we received a recommendation to speak with Attorney Christian B. Felden. He talked with me at length about my family’s specific circumstances, explaining the different legal options available and recommending the path most beneficial to our financial health. We have been very pleased with the professionalism, expertise and service we’ve received from the entire Felden & Felden team. Bankruptcy is never an easy choice, but Chris Felden’s caring and confidence has helped us get through this difficult time. My family and I now feel much more optimistic about our future.”
“Thanks for responding on a Saturday. For a lawyer that’s as rare as a doctor making a free house call.Thx again”
“Thank you and all of your team for everything you have done for me and my wife during this bankruptcy process.”
“It means the world to us to have you in our corner. Can’t express that enough. You’ve been amazing. We couldn’t have asked for better folks to work with.”
“Thank you so much. You are a very kind and understanding individual. More businesses should operate and show compassion as you do.”
“You’ve been great…do you know that? Really responsive and thorough and always kind. I thank you for that. This has been very overwhelming and embarrassing and you made it much easier than I anticipated.”
“You have been such a big help. I know you are probably a very busy person and to take the time to speak to me means a lot. May it pay forward. You’re my angel!”
“You’re my hero!”
We just want to thank you for all your hard work in helping us with our Bankruptcy. Everyone there has been very courteous and helpful as well as patient. We both appreciate all you have done and will certainly refer anyone we know to you should they need your services.”
“Thanks so much for everything!!”